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Women in HVAC

Bryant Women in HVAC logo on a black background.

There is a growing number of women who are joining the HVAC industry. We are working alongside Bryant to support the amazing group of women who are part of the Henry family.

Our Partnership with Bryant

Bryant values the work distributors and dealers put forth every day to represent the Bryant brand. They also recognize the importance of continuing to provide the women of our industry the opportunity to build relationships with each other and with Bryant.

This is part of Bryant’s long standing effort to foster inclusivity and create an environment where women can excel in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry.

About Bryant Women in HVAC Events

Bryant Women in HVAC events are for professional development, training, and heating and cooling best practice sharing, as well as networking and fellowship. “This event serves as a remarkable opportunity for the women who represent the Bryant brand to share and learn from the sharpest minds in the industry,” said Margo Richter, marketing manager, Bryant.

This past year’s event theme; “She’s Future Ready, was a forward movement that demonstrated the women in our industry are empowered and equipped with the tools necessary to excel in today’s business climate as well as in their personal lives.”

4 Members of the Elite Group of Bryant Women in HVAC

At Henry Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing we are proud to have 4 staff members who are part of the Bryant Women in HVAC program. We would like to recognize them below:

Jessica Honabarger Headshot.
Jessica Honabarger
Angela Obradovich
Alison Grove
Krystal Stingel

Learn More About Bryant’s Women in HVAC Program By View the Video Below

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