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Updated on September 29, 2023

Should I keep my thermostat at a lower temperature?

Whether you should keep your thermostat at a lower temperature depends on various factors, including your comfort, energy savings goals, and the specific situation. Here are some considerations:

  1. Energy Savings: Lowering your thermostat, especially during the winter months, can lead to significant energy savings. For every degree you lower the thermostat over an eight-hour period, you can save about 1% on your heating bill. Over time, this can add up.
  2. Comfort: While energy savings is a benefit, it’s essential to ensure that you and your family are comfortable. If the temperature is too low, it might lead to discomfort, especially during colder months.
  3. Health: Some people, especially the elderly or those with certain medical conditions, might be more sensitive to colder temperatures. It’s crucial to ensure that the temperature doesn’t drop to a level that might be harmful.
  4. Preventing Freezing: In very cold climates, keeping the temperature too low might risk pipes freezing, which can lead to significant damage.
  5. Vacation or Away Periods: If you’re away from home for an extended period, it’s generally a good idea to lower the thermostat to save energy, but not so much that it risks freezing pipes or harming plants and pets.
  6. Summer Months: In warmer months, raising the thermostat (i.e., keeping your home at a higher temperature) can save on cooling costs. The closer the indoor temperature is to the outdoor temperature, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.
  7. Sleeping: Some people find that a cooler room is more conducive to sleep. If this is the case for you, you might consider lowering the thermostat at night.
  8. Environmental Impact: Using less energy to heat or cool your home can reduce your carbon footprint, which is beneficial for the environment.

In conclusion, while there are benefits to keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature, it’s essential to balance these with comfort, health, and other considerations. Adjusting the thermostat based on your specific needs and circumstances is the best approach.