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Updated on October 1, 2023

My furnace doesn’t work. What do I do?

Start with a couple quick checks:

  1. Check to make sure that your thermostat is set in the “heat” position.
  2. Make sure that the temperature setting on the thermostat is set above (or higher than) the indoor
    temperature showing on the thermostat.
  3. Ensure that there is power to the furnace.
    Try turning the fan to “ON” using the fan switch on the thermostat to test for power to furnace.
  4. Check the circuit breakers at the electrical panel.
  5. Check the SSU switch (it looks like a light switch on a gray box located at the furnace) to be sure it is in the “ON” position.
  6. Check to ensure the furnace filter isn’t in need of replacement.
  7. If the system is running but you have not changed your filter, the filter needs to be replaced.
  8. Check all return air grilles to make sure they are not blocked by furniture.
    Check all supply air registers to make sure they are open and blowing air. (The return air grilles are
    normally located on your walls and are wide and flat).
    If these quick checks do not solve your problem, look at our pre-service checklist, and contact us to set up a service appointment.